Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Although we've come to the end of the road"

"How You Doin?" Vincent's hot topic for today is...the end of my blogging life.

Now that blogging has ended for me, I will admit that blogging was quite fun. Expressing our opinions and posting whatever we want, and having people see it and agreeing with you was...AMAZING!

At first when we were told that blogging was part of our grade, I thought of it as just another assignment. But the first blog with out a doubt made me love it and looking foward to doing one.

However, I doubt I will keep my blog open. Due to the fact I barely have time, and nobody reads it. If I had like a thousand comments, okay, but entertaining two people is not cutting it for me. Sorry...

My favorite blog was having the five lies and a truth! Oh child, coming up with a lie, was shockingly hard! :)

It may be the end of my blog life...but it's fine...i am the talkative type anyways.  I'd rather talk about it! :)

peace & <3

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

TED Lecture: Class is in session

Jamie Oliver

“I wish for everyone to help create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity” –Jamie Oliver, TED 2010
Of the TED lectures, two captured my attention the most, that would be both Jamie Oliver and Mark Bittman. However, of the two, Jamie stood out more. His youthfulness and the energy he gave off, made it more interesting. Despite that, the information Jamie shared not only made me more aware but left me astonished.  

I learned a lot through his presentation. Such as how kids and the newer generations are losing insight to what a true meal is. Fast food has been such a drug, that kids barely know their vegetables anymore.

It was quite depressing when Jamie introduced us to some obese little kids he knew. A four year old, who did not even start primary school yet, is already obese. A 16 year old girl who has a life expectency of only a couple years. Its sad to know that fast food caused this big dillema and actions towards stopping it aren't as important as they should.

I loved this video, it had many visuals, which made it not so boring! His presentation of milk and the sugar in it was quite fascinating. But the presentation overall was a job well done. And I do plan on using this information in my research paper. I need all the help I can! :)

Mark Bittman
Mark Bittman had the second most interesting videos of the three. His presentation was mostly facts that I did not know, so it drew me in with out a doubt.

There was nothing sad or depressing that he had brought up during his lecture.

The only thing that caught my attention was the way he explained how food in America changed, starting with the 1900s. Seeing the changes that our families underwent is amazing. We basically in other words, got lazy! We rely too much on fast food and others making our food.
However, despite who was more interesting does not matter, what matters is what they are tyring to say! We need to make changes NOW. We need to fight back, make our own food, and stop being such lazy bums. We are in control of what we put in our mouths, and we are in controll of how our body figure looks like.

Jennifer Hudson chose to eat right, she went from a size 16 to a size 6. "If she can do it, you can too" :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Is On Your Top?

Who is considered to be “important” in my life? To me, if you are important, I will go out my way to do anything for you. You’re someone I go to for advice. Someone who have been there for me when I had my ups and downs, and no matter what decisions I made, they still loved and supported me. So who made my top three? It’s simple and obvious…me, my parents, & G-O-D! Growing up in the military, we moved on the constant, so I barely had time to connect to anybody, it was only natural that I didn’t connect to no one, so that when moving time came, it wasn’t so hard.
Why did I choose myself? Who lives their life thinking they are not important, some people may think that I’m conceited, when I just…hmm how shall I say it…“I got a big ego!” To keep it short, I have to worry about myself. Most of everything I do in life is to better me and my life. One who does not think for themselves, is not living at all.  
My parents are my heroes! Yes physically and technically there are two of them, but they work together as one. Not being my biological parents, they didn’t have to take me under their care. They could’ve been living the fabulous kid-free life, but they decided to take that challenge. Knowing kids have baggage, they accepted it. I will admit, I was no easy child to raise. But with patience and persistence they raised me to be who I am today, a successful-bright young man. Not once have they turned their back on me, they are my rock.
Now without the belief of God, I don’t know how life would be. As a born Christian, I was raised knowing that God is important and that we should keep him close. Attending church weekly increasingly grew my awareness that God is someone we should love. He is my personal counselor at times. He answers my prayers and like my parents has never abandoned me. He gave me the life I have now, he got me through my toughest times, and surprised me with all my accomplishments in life. I praise him on the daily for all the blessings he has brought.
Despite the fact that I chose myself to be important, the remainder two will always be important in my books. But as a young adult, I’m waiting for the day where I can have a loved one and kids to also be important in my life!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Taboo: Fast food

A healthy body=BEAUTY!

Before reading Fast Food Nation, fast food restaurants were a place where I and many others would visit on a weekly basis. It’s a common place I think about almost every day, due to the fact that I see commercials and its located almost everywhere I go. And before I started reading this book, I told myself and some friends, that I don’t care how our meals are prepared, as long as it tastes good and it stays affordable, because without a job, the dollar menu at McDonalds fit my requirements. And most would agree

But after reading a couple chapters , OK the facts were interesting and it would make me think about what I put in my mouth, but it wasn’t strong enough to persuade me to stop my habits.  

An unhealthy body=ERROR

However, the chapters near the end of the book were beyond mind boggling. Knowing the facts behind fast food was quite disgusting, it made me reconsider. Knowing the truth about what happens to my food, let’s just say ewww! And to me that’s the first step. I can’t sit here and say I will stop eating fast food for good, but I could say that it might be a while before I ever order off any menu at any fast food restaurant.

Monday, November 1, 2010

"I'm looking for some brain, where yo thinking cap"

the nerdy look

                School is just another obstacle we all must go through in life. It could be challenging for most but it is very effective in all the right ways and rewarding. In fact, I love my first year in college, the freedom to make all the choices as an adult is unexplainable. It does get frustrating at times, because my priorities get sort of screwed up. My life outside of school at times could be distracting, with the drama of others, or personal decisions I choose to make, and the many distractions we have all aroundus. The urge to watch my favorite TV show, the urge to text my buddy all day, the urge to go do something fun after school, takes a lot of time from me, when I could be doing school work.
                In college, the work load is very doable, but it does push us to do more so that we could broaden our thinking and do things we never done before. So going from high school where three page essays were the “big monster”, to eight pages and more in college, it is extremely shocking, but it is nothing impossible. That’s when I need to stop being lazy and work for what I want in life.
 But my personal push and extra motivation, just reminds me that, this is not the time in my life to play around and mess everything up. My parents constantly remind me that I need to keep my head in the books and stay focused and that the parties will always be there. They also constantly drill these very words in my head “quit trying to grow up so fast, live life now and enjoy it, you will miss it.” But as a curious fellow I am, I don’t always listen, that’s part of growing up, making your decisions and learning from it. But another motivation is the dream life I want to have, and to fulfill it, education is a must.

The fabulous life, the life of luxury! "Now let me UPGRADE you" -Beyonce

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can you tell the real from the fakes?

*note* My answer will be on the bottom in black, so just highlight the whole blog to view the answer.

1) I experienced the feeling of being handcuffed and sitting behind bars...and this was no "free-fun day at a local jail" this was the real deal.

2) Trying to show off to my friends, I broke my arm while I attempted to do a crazy stunt by jumping from my roof to the ground, I thought I was Dare Devil.

3) I don't believe in God, or any higher power, Science proves everything!
4) Last year I sent in a video about myself so I could be on a reality show, the Real World, but to find out I was not old enough, you had to be 21 or older. 

5) I was once featured on MTV because I had a back stage pass to Beyonce's concert, and they did a brief interview with us two!! <3

6) I ran away from home for three months and left to live with someone who I thought I "loved" just to find out I was being played.

If you guessed the first answer you are correct. I have been to jail, and for what, the world will never know, well lets just say im not that glad it happend, but I did learn! :)

My girl [B]eyonce doing her thing yet again in LA, best day of my life! <3


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Four Letters

L-O-V-E…a simple four lettered word but complex in so many ways, having a meaning so strong, it means so much to everyone. It’s everyone’s friend & enemy. It’s something we long for, something we search for, something we take for granted…now I’m not talking about the motherly-family love, but the love that completes us, the love we search to satisfy us for the rest of our lives.
Love is something we think we know inside and out, but nobody knows. It works in mysterious ways.
Nobody can tell you what exactly love is, how it feels, what it should be like…it’s something you must figure on your own. All I know is you know you found it when you have a constant smile and butterflies that never seem to go away.
Now can I get an "amen"?!
We all have dreams; but we all have one in common, which is TO LOVE SOMEONE and BE LOVED in return.
*I will say this, I'm no love doctor, I am no professional, but when love knocks you down, get your ass back up, and keep moving foward, life is too short to be moping around...but when you really love somebody, fight for it. Like Jennifer Hudson sang, "Like gangsters we gon' strap up for this war/And i'd die for mine 'cause you're worth fightin' for"*

Lyfe Jennings
“Will I Ever”
[Verse 1:]
Does it feel like ya
You're never gonna find it
Does it feel like ya
Always one step behind it
Does it feel like ya
Out in this world alone 'cause you been lookin and prayin for love so long
Does it feel like ya
Wishing on a falling star
Does it feel like ya
Lonely and it breaks your heart
'Cause it feels like ya
Ready to let down your guard
Finding somebdy's just so hard

How do you find the one you dream about (how do u find it yeah)
If I knew I'd tell you how (swear to God swear to God)
It's kinda hard for me to figure out (and I know you're ready to settle down)
I know you're ready to settle down
If there's a God above please tell me

Tell me will I ever fall in love
Will I be alone forever
Will I ever fall in love
Or will I be alone forever

[Verse 2:]
Does it feel like ya
Moving too fast
Does it feel like ya
Want something you can't have
Does it feel like ya
Living in the past
And the thought of going home alone again makes you sad
Does it feel like ya
Feeling so bad
Does it feel like ya
Getting so mad
'Cause it feels like ya
Just want someone to call
To tell ya that you're human after all



To fall in love (I would do anything, anything)
To fall in love
To fall in love, love, love, love
To fall in love
To fall in love

[Chorus x2]