Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Although we've come to the end of the road"

"How You Doin?" Vincent's hot topic for today is...the end of my blogging life.

Now that blogging has ended for me, I will admit that blogging was quite fun. Expressing our opinions and posting whatever we want, and having people see it and agreeing with you was...AMAZING!

At first when we were told that blogging was part of our grade, I thought of it as just another assignment. But the first blog with out a doubt made me love it and looking foward to doing one.

However, I doubt I will keep my blog open. Due to the fact I barely have time, and nobody reads it. If I had like a thousand comments, okay, but entertaining two people is not cutting it for me. Sorry...

My favorite blog was having the five lies and a truth! Oh child, coming up with a lie, was shockingly hard! :)

It may be the end of my blog life...but it's fine...i am the talkative type anyways.  I'd rather talk about it! :)

peace & <3

1 comment:

  1. haha you are the talkative type! x]
    Blog Props: I really enjoyed all of the pictures you put up! I love how you write so passionately!
